Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Pre-loved, memories of my D200

The time has come again to make space in my camera bag for some new best friends (a D700 and 24-70mm 2.8). While I'm super excited about the newest additions to my gear, I do need to say goodbye to my D200 and a Nikkor AF-S 24-85mm ED 3.5-4.5. I actually shot my first year of digital weddings (I actually did shoot a few in film back in the day!) with this lens, my D100 and one speed light. I remember getting my D200 just a few months before my own wedding back in June of '06. Both are in great shape. If you are interested in either or both, just email me ( for prices.

Because a post is better with pictures, I thought it would be fitting to post some pictures taken with the D200. In taking a trip down memory lane I pulled images from two of my very memorable weddings in 2006.

First up is Hannah & Bobby who got married in October, 2006 in Owensboro, KY. They were attracted to my work because it was so different than what anyone was offering down in that area at the time. They were both so full of life and love! Tim and I had such a great day capturing such a milestone day for them. The reception was just magical. In the middle of a field under a starry night, one giant tent held this elegant dinner and a party to top all parties. They had a rocking band from Nashville, TN who knew how to get a party going. My favorite part was when Bobby got up to do a solo harmonica performance for his new bride. I really can't say enough how great they were, so gracious, fun and full of faith in their Lord.










Next up is Starla and Clayton who got married in August of 2006. They both met at Every Nation Church in Carmel, she worked in the office and he was the son of one of the ministers. I actually met this couple working downtown at Second Helpings one Sunday afternoon. Lindsay and I shot this wedding together and were totally in love with this couple. That might have been since we were still on the emotional high of being married in the last two months. Starla was nothing short of glamorous and Clayton was totally thrilled to have her as his wife. They were just such a sweet and faithful couple. Since the wedding, Clayton finished up law school and they are now expecting their first baby!









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