Monday, February 22, 2010

Good Reads

I tend to be a person that reads in waves. Sometimes I can't get enough of books and other times I'm perfectly fine going a few weeks without reading anything particular.

I just recently finished up an extremely interesting and moving book called "The Same Kind of Different than Me". I borrowed it from a friend who highly recommended it. Tim just finished up "Good to Great" and I'll probably snag that up next. I don't know about you guys, but I tend to get really intimidated about picking out what to read. I feel like it's so hard to just randomly choose the right book, which is way I pretty much only read books that have been recommended to me. So here's my question, do you have a must read or a great book you've recently read?
(I'm mostly a non-fiction reader but branch out every now and then.)

Here are a few goodies I've read lately:
Love One Another by Gerald L. Sittser
Millionaire Women Next Door by Thomas Stanley PhD (a little text bookie)
Fast Track Photographer by Dane Sanders

All time favs:
The Bible (NLT version)
Financial Peace by Dave Ramsey
Irresistible Revolution by Shane Claiborne

Buzz It


Kurtis Bowersock said...

I feel the same way about picking out a book, it seems to take me so long that I don't want to pick out a book, I'd rather just read a recommendation. But here's a few I really liked

Born to Run - must read for any level of runner/athlete.

Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus - must read for any married couple.

The "Fred" Factor - Jen just finished reading it and loved it.

Tribes - (by seth goden) must read for a biz lady like yourself!

Chris Potts said...

Yes! You should definitely read "The Attentive Life: Discerning God's Presence in All Things" by Leighton Ford. Amazing read. To your point, I probably would have never read this book (or picked it out off a bookshelf) but am in a group at Grace CC who chose this book for us to read.

Also, "90 Minutes in Heaven" by Don Piper as well as "Surprised by Hope: Rethinking Heaven, the Resurrection, and the Mission of the Church" by N.T. Wright are awesome reads as well. The second one is pretty dense, but extremely thought-provoking. Have fun!