Wednesday, February 24, 2010

My iPhone's Last Day

It was a glorious day. Monday afternoon, myself, Tim and my trusty iPhone were nagivating our way to La Jolla Beach in San Diego. Maybe we got too caught up in the natural beauty or the seals giving birth on the beach, but we ventured out to the sea wall where Tim got soaked by a giant wave. Unfortunately, Tim had my iPhone in his pocket. Turns out my trusty phone just couldn't survive the water and died right there in such a glorious location.

Today, back in Indy, I had to bite the bullet and buy a replacement phone. So, if by chance you left me a voicemail over the last few days please feel free to give me another call as my voicemail has yet to be retrieved.

Here's the last photo taken on my phone and the photos I took of Tim on the end of the wall where the wave claimed my phone. Little did I know these photos would not just be a funny memory but rather the end of life for my iPhone.

Buzz It